From The O/U: Newly Certified – Organic Green For Food Industries

The following products, manufactured by Organic Green For Food Industries are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision…

Spearmint Powder

Anise Tea Bag Cut

Anise Powder

Dill Crushed

Chamomile Whole Flower

Fenugreek, Fine Cut

Alfalfa Leaves Crushed

Liquorice Root 102 Cm.

Senna Pods Whole

Lemon Whole

From The O/U: Newly Certified = Appleways and Crave-N-Rave

The following products, manufactured by Darlington Cookie Company are now certified Kosher under O/UD (dairy) supervision.

Brand:  Appleways

Apple Soft Oatmeal Bar

Blueberry Pomegranate Oatmeal Bar

Strawberry Soft Oatmeal Bar

Chocolate Oatmeal Bar

Brand:  Crave-N-Rave

Spikerz El Nacho Cheese Crackers

Spikerz Simply Salted Crackers

Spikerz Heavenly Ranch Crackers

From The O/U: Newly Certified – 4 Nutty

The following Snack products, manufactured by 4 Nutty are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision…

Jelly Beans  –  Pareve

Tropical Trio  –  Pareve

Chocolate Pretzel  –  Dairy

Dark Chocolate Raisin  –  Pareve

Green Peas Wasabi  –  Pareve

Almond Raw  –  Pareve

Berry Berry Mix  –  Pareve

Dried Okra Chips  –  Pareve

Mango Slice  –  Pareve

Banana Chips  –  Pareve

Pistashos Roast No Salt  –  Pareve

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Canove Di Govone

The following Nutkao brand products under, manufactured by Canove Di Govone are now certified Kosher under O/U D (dairy) supervision.  These products are all dairy.

Hazelnut & Cocoa Cream

Cappuchino Cream

Milk Free Cocoa Cream

Coffee Cream

Dark Chocolate

Gianduia Milk Chocolate

Hazelnut Spread with Breadsticks

Milk Free Hazelnut & Cocoa Cream

White Chocolate with Hazelnut

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Hard

The following products manufactured by Hard Beverages Inc. are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision…

Tonic –  Caffeinated & Naturally Flavored Sparkling Tonic Water

Ginger  –  Caffeinated & Naturally Flavored Sparkling Ginger Ale

Citron  –  Caffeinated & Naturally Flavored Sparkling Lemon-Lime

Club  –  Caffeinated Sparkling Club

Original  –  Caffeinated & Naturally Flavored Sparkling Beverage

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Franci

Franci brand Brunello di Montalcino Red Wine is now certified Kosher under O/U supervision.  This product is Kosher for Pesach and NON MEVUSHAL.

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Member’s Mark

Member’s Mark Ground Colombian Coffee (pareve) and Mini Muffins Blueberry Streusel & Chocolate Chip (dairy) are now certified Kosher by the O/U.

From The MK: Mariani Honey Bar Trail Mix

Mariani brand Honey Bar Trail Mix is certified Kosher Pareve under MK supervision.

From The Kof-K: Mikee Hummus

Mikee brand Hummus introduces Dessert Hummus to the market.  Mikee now adds a variety of new dessert flavored hummus, such as Chocolate Hummus, Oatmeal Raisin Hummus, Mint Chocolate Chip Hummus, Snickerdoodle Hummus and Cookie Dough Hummus.  All of these items are gluten free, natural and vegan.  These hummus items are certified Kosher under Kof-K supervision and are pareve.

From The COR – Urth Café in Toronto, Canada

COR announces the opening of a newly certified COR restaurant:  Urth Café, located at 3023 Bathurst St. in Toronto, Canada.

From The Star-K – University Campus Kosher Kitchens

In addition to the Cornell University kitchen, Star-K now certified Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa., Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa., Towson University in Towson, Md. and University of Maryland Baltimore County in Catonsville, Md.  They all offer both meat and dairy options.  Some also offer Shabbos, Yom Tov and/or Pesach programs.

From The Star-K – Hillel House Kitchen on Rutgers University CAmpus

In November 2016, the Hillel House Kitchen on the Rutgers University campus – a new building with two new kitchens – is scheduled to open.  The 7th Star-K certified college campus kitchen will offer meals seven days a week.

From The COR – Preg Vit and Preg Vit Folic 5 Prenatal Multivitamins

Preg Vit and Preg Vit Folic 5 Prenatal Multivitamins remain certified Kosher & Passover compliant.

Newly Updated Dining Guide Magazine

The Kashrus Conscience Magazine – West Coast Dining Guide 2016 is now updated online with many important changes screen-shot-2016-10-08-at-11-29-57-pmthat are not in the print version. Click on the image to read it today.

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Sunwarrior

The following products, manufactured by Sunwarrior are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision.  These products are all pareve…

Warrior Blend Organic Mocha

Warrior Blend Organic Vanilla

Classic Plus Organic Chocolate

Classic Plus Organic Vanilla

Warrior Blend Organic Berry

Classic Plus Organic Natural

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Arden’s Garden

The following products, manufactured by Arden’s Garden are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision.  These products are all pareve…

Fresh Fruit Juice Watermelon

Fresh Vegetable Juice Spinach Slam

Fresh Nutri-Boost Fruit Smoothie Supergreen

Blended Fruit Smoothie Sunrise

Blended Nutri-Boost Pineapple Apple Ginger

Fresh Fruit Juice 2 Day Detox

Fresh Vegetable Juice pH Solution

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Suavva

Suavva brand Cacao Fruit Smoothies (Merry Mango, Sassy Strawbanana and Amazing Cacao) are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision.  These products are all pareve.

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Zen Soup

Zen Soup brand Soy Milk, Curry and Tomato are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision.

From The O/U: Newly Certified – Cain’s Spices

Cain’s brand Ground Thyme, Alum, Celery Flakes and Lemon Pepper are now certified Kosher under O/U supervision.

From The O/U: Newly Certified – SmashPack

SmashPack brand Fruit and Protein Pack (Tropical Fruit, Orange Peach and Mixed Berry) are now certified Kosher, under O/U supervision.  These products are all dairy.