The process by which ingredients are produced must be carefully checked. In fact, it is necessary to check the processing locations to verify that hygienic standards are not so lax as to allow insects or worms to contaminate the food product. Unfortunately, lax hygiene in food processing is more common than people wish to believe.
The food defect action levels contained in this list are set on the basis of no hazard to health. Any products that might be harmful to consumers are acted against on the basis of their hazard to health, whether or not they exceed the action levels. In addition, poor manufacturing practices will result in regulatory actions, whether the product is above or below the defect action level. The defect action levels are set because it is not possible, and never has been possible, to grow in open fields, harvest, and process crops that are totally free of natural defects.
Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Washington, DC 20204
ALLSPICE Mold Average of 5% or more berries by weight (MPM-V32) are moldy
APPLE BUTTER Mold Average of mold count is 12% or more (AOAC 44.197)
Rodent filth Average of 4 or more rodent hairs per (AOAC 44.086) 100 grams of apple butter
Insects Average of 5 or more whole or equivalent (AOAC 44.086) insects (not counting mites, aphids, thrips, or scale insects) per 100 grams of apple butter
APRICOT, Mold Average mold count is 12% or more
PEACH, AND (AOAC 44.202)
APRICOTS, Insect filth Average of 2% or more by count insect- CANNED (MPM -V51) infested or insect-damaged in a minimum of 10 subsamples.
ASPARAGUS, Insect filth 10% by count of spears or pieces are
CANNED (MPM-V93) infested with 6 or more attached asparagus beetle eggs and/or sacs
Insects Asparagus contains an average of 40 or (MPM-V93) more thrips per 100 grams OR
Insects (whole or equivalent) of any size average 5 or more per 100 grams OR Insects (whole or equivalent) of 3mm or longer have an average aggregate length of 7mm or longer per 100 grams of asparagus
BAY (LAUREL) Mold Average of 5% or more of pieces by weight
LEAVES (MPH-V32) are moldy Average of 5% or more pieces by weight
are insect-infested Mammalian Average of 1 mg or more mammalian
Excreta excreta per pound after processing
BEETS, Rot Average of 5% or more pieces by weight CANNEDwill dry rot
BERRIES Mold Average mold count is 60% or more Drupelet, (AOAC 44.205)
Canned and Frozen (blackberries, raspberries, etc.)
Insects and Average of 4 or more larvae per 500 grams larvae OR
(AOAC 44.089)
Average of 10 or more whole insects or equivalent per 500 grams (excluding thrips, aphids and mites)
Ligon, Canned Insect larvae Average of 3 or more larvae per pound in a (MPM-V64) minimum of 12 subsamples
Multer, Canned Insects Average of 40 or more thrips per No. 2 can (MPM-V64) in all subsamples and 20% of subsamples are materially infested
BROCCOLI, Insects and Average of 60 or more aphids, thrips and/FROZEN (AOAC 44.108) or mites per 100 grams
Pods Insect filth Average of more than 3% of pods by weight and/or mold are insect-infested and/or moldy
Ground Mold Average mold count is more than 20%
Capsicum (AOAC 44.213)
(excluding paprika)
Insect filth Average of more than 50 insect fragments (AOAC 44.131) per 25 grams
Rodent filth Average of more than 6 rodent hairs (AOAC 44.131) per 25 grams
Ground Mold Average mold count is more than 20%
Paprika (AOAC 44.213)
Insect filth Average of more than 75 insect fragments (AOAC 44.146) per 25 grams
Rodent filth Average of more than 11 rodent hairs per (AOAC 44.146) 25 grams
CASSIA OR Mold Average of 5% or more pieces by weight CINNAMON (MPM-V32) are moldy
Insect filth Average of 5% or more pieces by weight (MPM-V32) are insect-infested
Mammalian Average of more than 1 mg or more
(MPM-V32) mammalian excreta per pound
Brined and Insect filth Average of 5% or more pieces are rejects Maraschino (MPM-V48) due to maggots
Fresh, Canned Rot Average of 7% or more pieces are rejects
or Frozen (MPM-V48) due to rot
Insect filth Average of 4% or more pieces are rejects (MPM-V48) due to insects other than maggots
CHERRY JAM Mold Average mold count is 30% or more
CHOCOLATE & Insect filth Average is 60 or more microscopic insect CHOCOLATE (AOAC 44.007) fragments per 100 grams
Any 1 subsample contains 90 or more insect fragments
Rodent filth Average is more than 1 rodent hair per 100 (AOAC 44.007) grams in 6 100-gram subsamples
examined OR Shell For chocolate liquor, if the shell is in (AOAC 44.012- excess of 2% calculated on the basis of 13.026) alkali-free nibs
Insects & insect 5 or more Drosophila and other fly eggs per eggs (AOAC 250 ml or 1 or more 44.095 & 44.096)
CLOVES Stems Average of 5% or more stems by weight (MPM-V32)
COCOA BEANS Mold More than 4% of beans by count are moldy (MPM-V18)
Insect filth More than 4% of beans by count are insect- (MPM-V18) infested including insect-damaged
Insect filth More than 6% of beans by count are insect- and/or mold infested or moldy (MPM-V18)
Mammalian Mammalian excreta is 10 mg per pound or excreta(MPM-V18) more
COCOA Insect filth Average of 75 or more microscopic insect
POWDER (AOAC 44.007) fragments per subsample of 50 grams
PRESS CAKE when 6 subsamples are examined OR Any 1 subsample contains 125 or more
microscopic insect fragments
Rodent filth Average in 6 or more subsamples is more (AOAC 44.007) than 2 rodent hairs per subsample of
50 grams OR Any 1 subsample contains more than 4 rodent hairs
Shell 2% or more shell calculated on the basis of (AOAC 44.13.012- alkali-free nibs 13.026)
COFFEE BEANS, Insect filth & Average 10% or more by count are insect- insects infested or insect-damaged OR (MPM-V1)
If live insect infestation is present, 1 live insect in each of 2 or more immediate containers, or 1 dead insect in each of 3 or more immediate containers, or 3 live or dead insects in 1 immediate container AND Similar live or dead insect infestation present on or in immediate proximity of the lot OR 1 or more live insects in each of 3 or more immediate containers OR 2 or more dead whole insects in 5 or more immediate containers OR 2 or more live or dead insects on 5 or more of cloth or burlap containers
Mold Average of 10% or more beans by count (MPM-V1) are moldy
COFFEE BEANS, Poor Grade Beans are poorer than Grade 8 of the New GRADED GREEN York Green Coffee Association
CONDIMENTAL Mammalian Average of 3 mg or more of mammalian
SEEDS OTHER (MPM-V32) excreta per pound
CORN: SWEET Insect larvae 2 or more 3mm or longer larvae, cast skins, CORN, CANNED ear worms, corn larval or cast skin fragments of corn ear
CANNED borers) worm or corn borer and the aggregate (AOAC 44.109) length of such larvae, cast skins, larval or cast skin fragments exceeds 12mm in 24 pounds (24 No. 303 cans or equivalent)
CORN HUSKS Insect filth Average of 5% or more pieces by weight of FOR TAMALES (MPM-V115) the corn husks examine insect-infested (including insect-damaged)
Mold Average of 5% or more pieces by weight (MPM-V115) are moldy
CORNMEAL Insects Average of 1 or more whole insect (or equivalent) per 500 grams
Insect filth Average of 25 or more insect fragments per (AOAC 048) 25 grams
Rodent filth Average of 1 or more rodent hairs per 25 (AOAC 048) grams OR Average of 1 or more rodent excreta
fragment per 50 grams
CRANBERRY Mold Average mold count is more than 15% OE SAUCE (AOAC 44.200)
The mold count of any 1 subsample is more than 50% CUMIN SEED Sand and grit Average of 9.5% or more ash and/or 1.5% (AOAC 44.124) or more acid insoluble ash CURRANT JAM Mold Average mold count is 75% or more BLACK (MPM-V61)
CURRANTS Insect filth 5% or more by count wormy in the average of the subsamples
CURRY POWDER Insect filth Average of 100 or more insect fragments (AOAC 44.124) per 25 grams Rodent filth Average of 4 or more rodent hairs per 25 (AOAC 44.124) grams DATE MATERIAL Insects 10 or more dead insects in 1 or more (CHOPPED, (MPM-V53) subsamples OR SLICED, OR MACERATED) 5 or more dead insects (whole or equivalent) per 100 grams
Pits 2 or more pits and/or pit fragments 2 mm (MPM-V53) or longer measured in the longest dimension per 900 grams
DATES, PITTED Multiple Average of 5% or more dates by count are (MPM-V53) rejects (moldy, dead insects, insect
excreta, sour, dirty, and/or worthless) as determined by macroscopic sequential examination
Pits Average of 2 or more pits and/or pit (MPM-V53) fragments 2 mm or longer in the longest dimension per 100 dates
DATES, WHOLE Multiple Average of 5% or more dates by count are (MPM-V53) rejects (moldy, dead insects, insect
excreta, sour, dirty, and/or worthless) as determined by macroscopic sequential examination
EGGS & OTHER Decomposition 2 or more cans decomposed and at least 2 EGG PRODUCTS, (AOAC 46.003- subsamples from decomposed cans have FROZEN 46.012) direct microscopic counts of 5 million or more bacteria per gram
FENNEL SEED Insects 20% or more of subsamples (MPM-V32) contain insects
Mammalian 20% mor more of subsamples contain (MPM-V32) mammalian excreta OR Average of 3 mg or more of mammalian excreta per pound
FIG PASTE Insects Over 13 insect heads per 100 grams of fig (AOAC 44.092 paste in each of 2 or more subsamples 44.093)
FIGS Insect filth &/or Average of 10% or more pieces by count mold &/or dirty are rejects fruit or pieces of fruit (MPM-V53) Average of more than 10% of pieces are insect-infested &/or moldy dirty fruit or pieces of fruit
FISH, FRESH Decomposition Decomposition in 5% or more of the fish OR FROZEN fillets in the sample (but not less than 5)
(APPLIES TO show Class 3 decomposition over at least FISH OR FILLETS 25% of their areas OR WEIGHING 3
POUNDS OR LESS) 20% or more of the fish or fillets in the sample (but not less than 5) showing Class 3 decomposition over at least 25% of their areas OR The percentage of fish or fillets showing Class 2 decomposition as above plus 4 times the percentage of those showing Class 3 decomposition as above equals at least 20% and there are at least 5 decom- posed fish or fillets in the sample
Classes of Decomposition: 1). No odor or decomposition 2) Slight odor of decomposition 3) Definite odor of decomposition
Tullibees, Parasites (cysts) 50 parasitic cysts per 100 pounds ( whole Ciscoes, (MPM-V28) or fillets,) provided that 20% of the fish Inconnus, examined are infested
Chubs & Whitefish
Blue Fin & Parasites (cysts) 60 cysts per 100 fish (fish averaging 1
other Fresh (MPM-V28) pound or less) or 100 pounds of fish (fish Water Herring averaging over 1 pound,) provided that 20% of the fish examined are infested
Red Fish & Parasites 3% of the fillets examined contain 1 or Ocean Perch (copepods) more copepods accompanied by pus
(MPM-V28) pockets
GINGER, Insect filth &/or Average of 3% or more pieces by weight WHOLE mold are insect-infested and/or moldy (MPM-V32)
Mammalian Average of 3 mg or more of mammalian excreta (MPM-V32) excreta per pound
GREENS, Mildew Average of 10% or more of leaves, by count or weight, showing mildew over 1/2″ in diameter
HOPS Insects (aphids) Average of more than 2,500 aphids (AOAC 44.009) per 10 grams
MACARONI & Insect filth Average of insect fragments equal or NOODLE PRODUCTS (AOAC 44.069) exceeds 225 per 225 grams in 6 or more subsamples
Rodent filth Average of rodent hairs equals or exceeds (AOAC 44.069) 4.5 per 225 grams in 6 or more subsamples
MACE Insect filth &/or Average of 3% or more pieces by weight mold and insect-infested &/or moldy (MPM-V32)
Mammalian Average of 3 mg or more of mammalian excreta excreta per pound (MPM-V32)
Foreign matter Average of 1.5% or more of foreign matter (MPM-V32) through a 20-mesh sieve
MUSHROOMS Insects Average of 20 or more maggots of any size CANNED & (AOAC 44.115 per 100 grams of drained mushrooms and DRIED & 44.116) proportionate liquid or 15 grams of dried mushrooms OR
Average of 5 or more maggots 2 mm or longer per 100 grams of drained mush- rooms and proportionate liquid or 15 grams of dried mushrooms
Mites Average of 75 mites per 100 grams drained (AOAC 44.115 mushrooms and proportionate liquid or 15 & 44.116) grams of dried mushrooms
Decomposition Average of more than 10%, by weight, of (MPM-V100) mushrooms are decomposed
NUTMEG Insect filth &/or Average of 10% or more pieces by count are insect-infested &/or moldy
NUTS, TREE Multiple defects Reject nuts (insect-infested, rancid, moldy, (MPM-V81) gummy, and shriveled or empty shells) as determined by macroscopic examination at or in excess of the following levels
Unshelled % Shelled %
Almonds 5 5
Brazils 10 5
Cashew — 5
Green Chestnuts 5 —-
Baked Chestnut 10 —-
Dried Chestnuts —- 5
Filberts 10 5
Lichee Nuts 15 —-
Pecans 10 5
Pili Nuts 15 10
Pistachios 10 5
Walnuts 10 5
Pitted Pits Average of 1.3 or more by count of olives (MPM-V67) with whole pits and/or pit fragments 2 mm or longer measured in the longest dimension
Imported Insect damage 7% or more by count showing damage by Greens (MPM-V67) olive fruit fly
Salad Pits Average of 1.3 or more by count of olives (MPM-V67) with whole pits and/or pit fragments 2 mm 9% or more by count showing damage by (MPM-V67) olive fruit fly
Salt-cured Insects Average of 6 subsamples is 10% or more (MPM-V71) olives by count with 10 or more scale insects each
Mold Average of 6 subsamples is 25% or more (MPM-V67) olives by count are moldy
Imported Insect damage 10% or more by count showing damage by (MPM-V67) olive fruit fly
PEACHES, Moldy or Wormy Average of 3% or more fruit by count are
CANNED & (MPM-V51) wormy or moldy
Insect damage In 12 -pound cans or equivalent, one or (MPM-V51) more larvae and/or larval fragments whose aggregate length exceeds 5 mm
PEANUT BUTTER Insect filth Average of 30 or more insect fragments per (AOAC 44.037) 100 grams
Rodent filth Average of 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 (AOAC 44.0354 grams
Grit Gritty taste and water insoluble inorganic (AOAC 44.034) residue is more than 25 mg per 100 grams
PEANUTS, Multiple defects Average of 5% or more kernels by count SHELLED (MPM-V89) are rejects (insect-infested, moldy, rancid, otherwise decomposed, blanks, and shriveled)
Insects Average of 20 or more whole insects or (MPM-V89) equivalent in 100-pound bag siftings
PEANUTS, Multiple defects Average of 10% or more peanuts by count UNSHELLED (MPM-V89) are rejects (insect-infested, moldy, rancid, otherwise decomposed, blanks, and shriveled)
PEAS: BLACK-EYE Insect damage Average of 10% or more by count of class COWPEAS, (MPM-V104) 6 damage or higher in minimum of 12
FIELDPEAS, DRIED subsamples.
PEAS: COWPEAS Insect larvae Average of 5 or more cowpea curculio
BLACK-EYE PEAS (MPM-V104) larvae or the equivalent per No. 2 can
PEAS & BEANS, Insect filth Average of 5% or more by count insect- DRIED (MPM-V104) infested and/or insect-damaged by storage insects in minimum of 12 subsamples.
PEPPER, WHOLE Insect filth &/or Average of 1% or more pieces by weight mold are insect-infested and/or moldy
Mammalian Average of 1% or more mammalian
excreta excreta per pound
Foreign matter Average of 1% or more pickings
(MPM-V39) and siftings by weight
PINEAPPLE, Mold Average mold count for 6 subsamples is
CANNED (AOAC 44.199) 20% or more OR
the mold count of any 1 subsample is 60% or more
PINEAPPLE Mold Average mold count for 6 subsamples is
JUICE (AOAC 44.199) 15% or more OR
The mold count of any 1 subsample is 40% or more
PLUMS, Rot Average of 5% or more plums by count with CANNED (MPM-V51) rot spots larger than the area of a circle 12 mm in diameter
POPCORN Rodent filth 1 or more rodent excreta pellets are found (AOAC 44.099) in 1 or more subsamples, and 1 or more rodent hairs are found in 2 or more other subsamples OR
2 or more rodent hairs per pound and rodent hair is found in 50% or more of the subsamples OR
Field corn 5% or more by weight of field corn
POTATO CHIPS Rot Average of 6% or more pieces by weight (MPM-V113) contain rot
PRUNES: DRIED Multiple defects Average of a minimum of 10 subsamples is & DEHYDRATED (MPM-V53) 5% or more prunes by count are rejects
LOW-MOISTURE (insect-infested, moldy or decomposed, dirty, and/or otherwise unfit)
PRUNES, PITTED Pits Average of 10 subsamples is 2% or more (MPM-V53) by count with whole pits and/or pit
fragments 2 mm or longer and 4 or more of 10 subsamples of pitted prunes have 2% or more by count with whole pits and/or pit fragments 2 mm or longer
RAISINS Mold Average of 10 subsamples is 5% or more (MPM-V76) raisins by count are moldy
Sand & Grit Average of 10 subsamples is 40 mg or (MPM-V76) more of sand and grit per 100 grams of natural or golden bleached raisins
Insects and 10 or more whole or equivalent insects and Insect eggs 35 Drosophila eggs per 8 oz. of golden (AOAC 44.097 bleached raisins
& MPM-V76)
SALMON, Decomposition 2 or more Class 3 defective cans,
CANNED regardless of lot or container size OR
2 to 30 Class 2 and/or Class 3 defective cans as required by sampling plan based on lot size and container size
(A defective can is defined as one that contains Class 2 or Class 3 decomposition –see FISH product listing.) Sampling plan tables are available on request from FDA)
SESAME SEEDS Insect filth Average of 5% or more seeds by weight are (MPM-V32) insect-infested
Mold Average of 5% or more seeds by weight are (MPM-V32) decomposed
Mammalian Average of 5 mg or more mammalian
excreta excreta per pound
Foreign Matter Average of .5% or more foreign matter by (MPM-V32) weight
SHRIMP: FRESH Decomposition 5% or more are Class 3 or 20% or more are OR FROZEN, Class 2 decomposition as determined by
RAW, HEADLESS organoleptic examination OR
If percentage of Class 2 shrimp plus 4 times percent of Class 3 equals or exceeds 20% (See FISH product listing for definition of decomposition classes)
Decomposition Indole levels in two or more subsamples equal or exceed 25 micrograms per 100 grams for both original and check analysis
Insect filth &/or Average of 5% or more pieces by weight mold are insect-infested &/or moldy
Mammalian Average of 1 mg or more of Mammalian excreta (MPM-V32) excreta per pound after processing
FROZEN Insects & Mites Average of 50 or more aphids and/or thrips (AOAC 44.110) &/or mites per 100 grams OR
2 or more 3 mm or longer larvae &/or larval fragments of spinach worms (caterpillars) whose aggregate length exceeds 12 mm are present in 24 pounds OR
Leaf miners of any size average 8 or more per 100 grams or leaf miners 3 mm or longer average 4 or more per 100 grams
Mold Average mold count of 45% or more and (AOAC 44.205) mold count of at least half of the subsamples is 55% or more
Grit Berries taste gritty

Drosophila fly Average of 10 or more fly eggs per 500 (AOAC 44.119) grams; or 5 or more fly eggs and 1 or more maggots per 500 grams; or 2 or more maggots per 500 grams, in a minimum of 12 subsamples
TOMATOES, Mold Average mold count in 6 subsamples is
CANNED WITH (AOAC 44.206) more than 15% and the mold counts of
OR WITHOUT JUICE (BASED all of the subsamples are more than 12%