From The O/K: Symbol legal issues

The O/K Kashrus Organization has put out the following Advisory:

O/K Kosher Certification is aware that there have been several instances of companies misusing the O/K Kosher certification marking in relation to Ketogenic dietary claims, often with the word “Keto” under the O/K Kosher certification mark.

We would like to assure the public that our legal department and our attorneys  have contested each such use of which we became aware and, to date, have been successful in defending our symbol and having it removed from all instances of misuse.  We have and will follow up vigorously with any company found to be using the O/K Kosher certification mark illegally.

The O/K Kosher certification mark (a circle with a K in the middle) is a globally registered trademark and represents to consumers that any product bearing the O/K symbol is certified Kosher by O/K Kosher.  Consequently, any companies using the trademark on products which have not been certified by O/K Kosher are infringing on our trademark rights and using a counterfeit marking.  

We would like to take this important opportunity to remind Kosher consumers that when in doubt, to refer to the O/K Kosher Product Search on our website or on the O/K Kosher app.  

On Key

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