From The cRc: Jewel in Evanston, Il.

Please note that, due to a management change, the cRc will no longer be certifying the Deli Counter at Jewel (Howard St. in Evanston , Il).  It will be under the O/U certification as of June 1,2020.  While the Deli Counter will become certified under the O/U, the prepackaged and grab and go in front […]

From The cRc: B&W Bagged Salad (Baby Arugula) in Niles, Il

Please be aware that the B&W brand of bagged salads is selling bags of Baby Arugula with an unauthorized Florida K logo.  This product is being sold at Jerry’s Fruit and Garden in Niles, Il and should not be used unless a thorough checking is done, according to the halachas of checking for bugs.
