Vitamins require supervision. Common problems: are stearates, gelatin, resinous glazes, meat, (liver extracts and bone meal), fish oil, and glycerine. If vitamins are medically prescribed, a rabbi should be consulted. Following is a listing of natural vitamins and their sources: 

Vitamin D

Function: To enhance intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. 

Deficiency: Osteomalacia (softening of the bones in adults), rickets in children. 

Sources: Sunshine, fish, liver, egg yolk, milk (most milk today is fortified with Vitamin D). 


Function: Cellular respiration. Formation of collagen and other fibrous tissue. Metabolism of amino acids. 

Deficiency: Scurvy, hemorrhaging, delayed healing, swelling, inflammation of the gums, emaciation, and swollen joints. 

Sources: Citrus fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe, kale, brussel sprouts, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes and bean sprouts. 


Function: Assists in cellular respiration. Increases blood flow.

Deficiency: Pellagra, dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia.

Sources: Organ meats, fish, yeast, whole grains, dried peas, beans and nuts.


Function: Necessary for the synthesis of essential nucleic acids, DNA, RNA.

Deficiency: Possibly anemia and a decrease of blood platelets and white cells in the blood. Can cause drowsiness, indigestion, numbness in hands and feet, inflamed tongue.

Natural sources: Organ meats, dark green leafy vegetables, asparagus, lima, beans, yeast, whole grains, wheat germ, lentils, orange juice.


Function: Essential participant in nucleic acid synthesis, and is essential to the structure and function of the nervous system.

Deficiency: Can increase susceptibility to infections.

Sources: Organ meats, fish, milk.


Function: Synthesis of protein and fatty acids and for the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Deficiency: Can cause severe dermatitis, inflamed and sore tongue, loss of appetite, nausea, depression, anemia, sensitivity of the skin, insomnia and increased blood levels of cholesterol.

Sources: Liver, egg yolk, peanuts, filberts, mushrooms, and cauliflower.


Function: Cellular respiration, also metabolism of Vitamin C.

Deficiency: Over-consumption of carbohydrates.

Sources: Organ meats, fish, dairy products, eggs, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes.


Function: Part of the co-enzyme system that makes possible the carbohydrate metabolism.

Deficiency: Beriberi

Sources: Liver, heart, kidneys, yeast, lean meat, green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts, berries and legumes.


Function: Co-enzyme for many biochemical reactions involving amino acids, helps menstrual regularity, premenstrual tension and acne. May help prevent heart attacks and birth defects.

Deficiency: Greasy, scaling dermatitis around eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Sources: Liver, whole grain cereals, wheat germ, soybeans, yeast, peanuts, corn, blackstrap molasses.


A. Important in eyes adjusting to darkness. Visual purple, the pigment in the retina for adjusting to darkness needs Vitamin A always.

B. Fights off infection.

C. Skin problems.

Sources of Vitamin A:

A. Pro Vit A (Carotene) is in yellow and orange pigments of many fruits and vegetables.

B. Preformed Vitamin A from animal sources from liver.

C. Can come from egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, deep yellow vegetables.

D. Some Vitamin A natural supplements are from fish liver oil.