From The O/U: Shibolim Gluten Free Matzoh Halachos

Shibolim Gluten Free Oat Matzah contains 24% oat flour.  Here are some of the Halachos that one should be aware of when eating this Matzah…

One should wash Netilas Yadayim but without a bracha.

The Beracha Rishona on Shibolim Gluten Free Oat Matzah is Hamotzi

The Beracha Acharona on Shibolim Gluten Free Oat Matzah is Borei N’fashos (assuming that one will eat less than 100 grams which is about 3 1/2 Matzos) within 4 minutes.  Birchas Hamazon is said.

Questions:  Does the beracha of Hamotzi said on this Matzah cover other foods eaten at this meal? 

Answer:  If less than a kezayis of bread will be eaten at a meal, the other foods eaten at that meal require their own beracha.  Therefore, if one is planning on eating less than 3 1/2 matzos within 4 minutes, a beracha should be said on the other foods before reciting Hamotzi on the Matzah.  However, if one already recited Hamotzi, it is questionable if a beracha can be said on other foods.  Because of the doubt, a beracha is not said.  Foods eaten directly together with the matzah do not require a beracha.  


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