The following New Sodas are Kosher/pareve and bear an O/U on the cap or engraved into the can lid…
Coca-Cola Spiced (regular and Zero Sugar)
Sprite Chill Cherry Lime (regular and Zero Sugar)
The following New Sodas are Kosher/pareve and bear an O/U on the cap or engraved into the can lid…
Coca-Cola Spiced (regular and Zero Sugar)
Sprite Chill Cherry Lime (regular and Zero Sugar)
Bake Station Bakery Rye Bread sold after January 27 2005 is not Yoshon until further notice.
Zeman’s Rye Bread, sold from Friday January 24 through Monday, January 27 may not be Yoshon. Beginning Tuesday, January 28, it will again be Yoshon.
The O/U does not certify Bustan NY, a NYC restaurant. Bustan’s use of the O/U mark on some Bustan menus is unauthorized. Bustan statements that
The O/U certifies Bon Maman Crema de Avellana y Cacao (Hazelnut and Cocoa Cream) as an O/UD (dairy) product. An importer in Mexico labeled this
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